The Hub Franchise Opportunity
by Hubsport Online | April 22nd, 2024
News and Stories by Nino Severino
Nothing speaks louder than images, for this feature, I will let the pictures do most of the talking!

I am now launching a globally unique opportunity for personal trainers, S & C coaches, physiotherapists, psychologists, nutritionists, and sport scientists. It will provide them with the opportunity to add athlete, coaches, and parent support to their income streams, or increase the volume of this trilogy market.

I want this group of professionals to benefit from my decades in sports coaching and programme management. I will show how, as a member of the above professions they can monetise the different areas as a bundle, offering fitness, mental skills, nutrition, and connective components.

What makes this offering exciting for our franchisees will be the opportunity to broaden their market by attracting the trilogy, athletes, coaches and parents, this trilogy is represented by the Sporting Trilogy brand logo. This is not only attractive from a commercial perspective, but also provides our franchisees, with job satisfaction, knowing they are helping the community of athletes, coaches, and parents with solutions to their performance and wellbeing needs.

I have created a system that will enable any of our franchisees across the world to support athletes, coaches, and parents, locally or remotely on an international level.

I have proven, no matter the age of the athlete, or the level, they and their coaches and parents are looking for the best support possible, across as many areas of sports development as possible.

The concept is very simple, I’ve spent a lifetime in sport developing systems, I’ve now placed all my knowledge and expertise on one platform, delivered by myself and my world class ‘Back Room’ staff of experts.

All our franchisees will have access to this platform, as will all their clients. It’s this platform that includes the BIG3, S & C, Nutrition and Mental Skills which transforms the way athletes, coaches and parents can be supported.

Once the Hub Franchisee is fully on board, I personally guide them through a franchisee development programme which will enable them to offer a programme management service, guiding and introducing their clients to the programmes, systems and knowledge that can dramatically improve performance and wellbeing.

The online, remote opportunity has opened up the incredible sporting marketplaces globally. After COVID, almost everyone across sport, are totally comfortable and embrace remote and online support.

Our Hub Franchisees can expand on their commercial offering, without investing time and money into more qualifications. Their role is to guide, plan, advise and support as a Hub Programme Manager.

There will be many types of clients that will be attracted to the support our franchisees will offer. They will attract clients from every sport across the World, I’ve proven that my system and product, is 100% inclusive to all athletes, coaches and parents, regardless the sport they are involved in.

The level of support will vary, I’ve supported clients who wanted my personal support, and had a budget of £35 per month to spend.

I also have had clients who had accounts with me where they spent up to £6,000 per month.

The Hub Franchise opportunity will allow professionals across the World of PT, S & C, psychiatry, nutrition, and sports science to offer their expertise to as many athletes, coaches, and parents as possible.

Our franchise support is comprehensive, and not only includes the programme management aspect of the system.

It will also include areas such as promotion, marketing, accounting, ecommerce and legals.

I’ve been fortunate across my career to work with athletes of all levels, academies, and sporting associations and governing bodies.

I want to provide this opportunity to our global network of Hub Franchisees, by expanding their skill set, and supporting them to attract a wider and deeper client portfolio.

My professional World has been full of incredible experiences, I have travelled the World and met and worked with some incredible individuals.

My goal is to support our Hub Franchisees in not only increasing their income levels, but also to broaden their life experiences through a new pathway through sport, using the new skills I will help them develop.

Supporting coaches and parents opens up a whole new professional World, which all our Hub franchisees will be able to tap into.

Technical coaches are expert at the tactical and technical expertise of their sport. Now, through our Hub Franchisees, they can ensure that their athletes can access the Big3 and much more.

Parents are often forgotten and left to just learn as they move through their sporting journey. Our Hub franchisees will now be able to support, help, educate and guide them across all the areas they need to be focused on, and applying.

All our Hub Franchisees will also have the opportunity to work face to face locally, using their areas of speciality, fitness, S & C, psychiatry, physiotherapy, sports science or nutrition. The Hub Programme Management service will provide this opportunity for all to deliver their valuable skills.

Many athletes, coaches and parents will often surf the web, YouTube and social media for knowledge and support. We want our Hub Franchisees to be the credible one stop shop for all the Sporting Trilogy’s development needs, removing the trauma of randomly searching for solutions to their problems.

I have proved there is a market for the Hub offering, I have organised countless presentations to thousands of athletes, coaches, and parents, all searching for a programme manager, offering the Big3 and much more.

Our Hub Franchisees can always focus on one particular sport, creating a niche offering, and establishing themselves as a credible ‘go to’ programme manager.

All our Hub Franchisees will all be invited to join our ‘International Master Coaches Association’. Giving them the opportunity to meet other Hub Franchisees and coaches.

If you would like to know more about the above Franchise opportunity, please contact me directly: 07765778115 or nino@thehubsport.com
The Hub training, support and education is delivered from multiple sites, by The Hub team of experts
England Cricket, Manchester United FC, Ramla Ali, Veron Eze, Helen Davies, Martyn Waghorn, Drew Kemp, Andre Dozzell, Amy Wilson-Hardy and Reece Catermole have all used the support, skills, knowledge, and expertise that Nino offers.
Judy Murray do not use or endorse any Hub products or services.