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The Hub Launch Delivers Success
To promote The Hub launch, we developed a very strong relationship with our four pilot partners:
- Suffolk New College
- Ipswich Academy
- Britannia Primary School
- Sidegate Primary School

All the students benefited from a presentation explaining what advantages and benefits The Hub could offer them. Every student then received a VIP A5 double sided invitation offering them the opportunity to attend the big launch at St Joseph’s College on January 30th.
This amazing launch event was only possible because of the incredible integrated team work between all the committed professionals across The Hub Team. The 150 guests enjoyed an action-packed event at The Hub, because of Coronavirus restrictions, the guests were invite in groups of 30 across the day.

A presentation in The Arc

Tour of the world class gym

Group 1 taking the tour

A tour of the indoor ‘Hub Training Zone’
In our next news item, we will bring you the story of how our launch has created the first large athlete cohorts who are now benefiting from all The Hub has to offer.
The Hub sponsors, through their social responsibility programmes are committed to supporting education and development through sport.
Their incredible support means we can offer all athletes, junior, senior, club to professional level, the support they all deserve.