The Hub Groundbreaking Resource Programme
The Hub, Groundbreaking Resource Programme
News and Stories by Nino Severino
Our top table of experts are the beating heart of our resource creative and development programme. I, (Hub Founder), Dr Chris McManus and Ben Haining have been extremely busy in this phase of ‘Hub Evolution’. This expertise across the BIG3 ™, mental skills, nutrition and strength and conditioning has created a wealth of resource for the ‘Sporting Trilogy ™, athlete, coach, and parent.

I and the team are working very closely with the media company based at Suffolk New College, this creative working relationship has produced world class resource for The Hub subscription platform. The incredible fusion of the BIG3 ™, will provide the sporting world with a one stop shop of information that will accelerate the development of the trilogy. The resource is designed to provide a very credible and knowledgeable mass of material, I wanted to ensure that the team stayed true to my vision of ensuring that the viewing experience would be one of education, with entertainment, I believe that The Hub Team, and the outstanding media team at SNC, have achieved this goal.

It’s an understatement to say that the professionalism across The Hub and SNC has been simply World Class, we have produced a creative working unit that has delivered one of the Worlds largest resource banks of its type, combined with a unique look, at an incredibly high standard.
This project has been years in the making, bringing a team of sports science experts together to create an incredibly talented ‘In House’ team and ‘Top Table’ group of professionals, whilst also aligning our Hub team with the media team at SNC. This fusion of talent has delivered, what I believe supports our ‘First Mover’ and a ‘Monopolistic’ position in the sports science subscription market.

Within this team fusion there sits an enormous amount of talent, from the creative nature of sports science methods and principles to the experts that need to man and operate the state-of-the-art media equipment. The Green Screen studio has been invaluable, enabling us to create resource that is not only ‘Gold Dust’ to the athlete and their team with sporting aspirations, but to also stay true to my vision of education with entertainment. The Green Screen state of the art equipment, with the editing, production, and creative skills, have delivered a very dynamic style and look to the Hub concept that I have spent most of my professional life developing.

Ben Haining our Hub ‘Top Table’ expert across the subject of strength and conditioning has worked tirelessly to support me in the process of delivering a robust, credible S & C programme that can be delivered in the home, at a very low cost, with the opportunity for the athlete to enter at any level, and then continue to follow the programme progressions as they develop.

The team behind the S & C resource is very large, from Ben Haining the creative machine, to the coaches who deliver the exercises, to the team who shoot the footage, all the way through to the media creative professionals who ensure the finished products, are of the highest standard, with the dynamic and exciting ‘look’ that my vision has shaped and steered.

All the exercises in the strength and conditioning programme will be shot in the surroundings of a fully functioning gym, providing all the athletes with the feel of gym work. The ‘look’ of the programme is designed to motivate, inspire, and stimulate all the athletes who access it. Ben Haining has delivered an incredible body of work that ensures that the programme supports the development of the athlete, but also has the quality and depth, to grow with the athlete and keep pace with their personal progressions.

The Hub training, support and education is delivered from multiple sites, by The Hub team of experts.